All our solutions

Outplacement & Mobility

Support employees as their careers transition

Employee career transitions

Diot-Siaci has developed expertise in outplacement services to cater to the increasing demand from companies seeking to enhance the professional mobility of their employees. We collaborate with you to identify the most suitable internal and external mobility opportunities for your employees, including internal repositioning, external job transitions, and professional retraining, among others. Additionally, our team of consultants is dedicated to assisting former employees in their efforts to reintegrate into the workforce or embark on entrepreneurial ventures. We offer attentive guidance, valuable advice, logistical support, and specialized expertise throughout this process.

  • Individual outplacement

    Define skills, assist employees with career transitions, and facilitate a return to the workforce

  • Collective outplacement

    Help your employees move toward new career paths by identifying their skills

Boosting skills and mobility

Regardless of the chosen procedure – Collective Voluntary Termination (RCC), Autonomous Voluntary Departure Plan (PSE/PDVA), Employment Safeguard Plan (PSE/PDV), etc. – our experts support employees in their career transitions, also known as Outplacement. Our services include tailored advice and solutions to meet your organization’s challenges.

  • Study of opportunities: We carry out a regional diagnosis and analyze the needs of local companies and reconversion channels
  • Dedicated service and management support