Our solutions

International Mobility

Building and Monitoring Employee Mobility

International Mobility Policy

Our consultants specializing in Compensation & Talent have developed an operational approach to International Mobility (IM) based on their experience across multinational corporations and SMEs/mid caps.

  • Mobility Policies and Practices

    Define and renovate your international mobility policy. Identify and craft the best international mobility practices for your organization: expatriation, temporary assignment, local, local +, etc.

  • International Mobility Package

    Define and build comprehensive and optimized International Mobility packages for your employees through ‘turnkey’ U curves

  • Operational Support

    We offer International Mobility transition missions, implementation of IM, transition support for mobile employees, thanks to our ecosystem of privileged partners in IM. Upstream support for the digitalization of IM processes with the expertise of our partner EXPATEO.

  • Leveraging your IM practices: expat Individual Benefits Package

    Craft your messaging for mobile employees with the support of our integrated graphic studio; targeted Individual Benefits Package for expats.

Define Your Mobility Policy

Our consultants provide you with strategic and operational support to define and renovate your International Mobility policy:

  • Current situation and diagnosis: review of current conditions and practices, identification of risk areas
  • Definition and renovation of your existing international mobility policy: Create and draft your new policy; manage the transition to the new policy
  • Building and reviewing compensation packages: calculation of costs, annual review of packages, explanation of mobility conditions for employees, etc.
  • Transfer support: crafting messaging for employees, drafting amendments, coordinating service providers
  • Redefining and optimizing processes, breakdown of roles and responsibilities, etc.
Guide formation 2023