Our solutions

Transparency of compensation & gender equality

Anticipate now and maintain a transparent and trustworthy relationship with your candidates and employees

All about the European directive

Strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for women and men


The gender pay gap has persisted despite regulations and controls for years in Europe.

To meet this challenge, the European Union has adopted a directive requiring companies with more than 250 employees to comply with it in French law before June 2026.

The 3 main areas of the directive:

1. Transparency obligations:

> New measures of the pay gap between women and men

> Increased transparency with regard to candidates

> Strengthening employees’ right to information

> Joint assessment with IRPs in the absence of objective justifications and corrections of deviations

2. Reversal of the burden of proof

It is up to the respondent to prove that there has been no discrimination in remuneration.

3. National body dedicated to equality F/H

It will, inter alia, be responsible for ensuring that effective means are in place to enforce these new obligations.

Anticipate now to maintain a climate of trust and transparency with your candidates and employees.

Promoting gender and gender equality within the company is a major focus of corporate CSR policy. It will also respond to current regulations (CSRD, Transparency Directive, etc.)

Make this obligation an opportunity to communicate about your remuneration policy!

  • Measure

    Measuring deviations across different explanatory angles

  • Analyse

    Clarify the explanatory factors, verify their relevance and build a corrective action plan

  • Communicate

    Build targeted and educational communication to explain the gaps and the relevance of the actions undertaken

Measuring to understand

Diot Siaci is the assurance that the measurement of the deviations mentioned in the directive is carried out in a personalised way for your company.

We are committed to deploying a rigorous and reliable investigation approach, identifying and accurately measuring pay gaps, selecting the most relevant areas of analysis.

Your deviations will be measured according to different criteria such as level of responsibility, demography, or other significant components.

A thorough descriptive analysis with an analytical assessment for a complete understanding of your situation will make the difference.

Finally, we will produce a clear and didactic report in order to present our conclusions in an accessible and understandable way.


Understand to correct

Diot Siaci is the assurance of an in depth analysis in order to understand your HR issues and solve the problems encountered.

We analyse the underlying causes of wage gaps in order to put in place an adequate action plan.

As part of our assignments, we identify the non discriminatory nature as well as the impacts of the overall wage gap. This analysis will be carried out by examining different criteria and using an assessment of the acceptability and relevance of the proposed justifications for these deviations. We will review the classification to ensure the relevance of the analyses for your jobs of the same value.

A detailed action plan for each axis identified, aimed at resolving wage gaps in an efficient and sustainable way will be sent to you.


Communicating to move forward

Diot Siaci is the assurance of targeted and educational communication to explain the gaps and the relevance of the actions undertaken by your company in order to optimise the membership of your employees.

Our objectives are to disseminate transparent messages in a sustainable manner, adopting an educational and synthetic discourse.

We will develop a long term communication strategy and plan specific to your company. This plan will include the use of collective and individual communication tools, to convey the right messages at the right time and to the right people. We can also include the use of the Individual Employee Promise and the Individual Social Assessment depending on your issues.

You will therefore have all the keys to communicate on the transparency of remuneration to your employees, candidates or even government body.


Anticipating now means ensuring a social climate conducive to collective success

Diot Siaci supports you in the application of the directive by adapting the solution to the specificity of your company with the help of experienced experts.