Our solutions


Shape tomorrow’s operational experts and managers

Meeting the challenges of your organization

In the current rapidly evolving business landscape, the support of your talented workforce and the dedication of your internal resources are vital for your economic performance. To assist you in overcoming challenges, we offer a comprehensive range of training programs and modules focused on various HR topics such as compensation and benefits, employee benefits, organizational development, talent management, and international mobility. Additionally, we provide training on corporate risk management, including Property & Casualty and Transportation. Our training courses cater to both local (France) and international contexts. Our team of experts is available to discuss specific training modules that align with your needs.


Diot-Siaci obtained QUALIOPI certification in January 2021, in the “”training initiatives” category. This certification was acquired after undergoing a thorough quality audit based on the seven criteria outlined in the French National Quality Guidelines for organizations involved in skills development, as referenced in Article L. 6351-1 of the French Labor Code. The QUALIOPI certification serves as an additional assurance of the quality and effectiveness of our training services and processes.

Our Expertise

Our training programs are facilitated by a team of expert consultants who are widely recognized in their respective fields. With a multidisciplinary team comprising 21 facilitators, we have the expertise to deliver comprehensive training experiences.

Whether conducted in a classroom setting or remotely, our trainers possess the skills to captivate your interest and guide you in advancing your knowledge in various areas of HR, including C&B, compensation, employee benefits, organizational changes, talent management, and international mobility. We also provide training in corporate risk management, specifically in the areas of Property & Casualty and Transportation, both in France and internationally.

Our consultants prioritize listening to your specific requirements, and they adapt the program accordingly. We believe in building a collaborative and tailored training experience that meets your unique needs and ensures practical application of the knowledge gained.

Our Pedagogical Style

Throughout the presentation, our trainer incorporates interactive elements to enhance the learning experience. These may include knowledge quizzes, analysis of case studies, and discussions on operational situations. Learners take part in face-to-face or remote sessions via videoconference.

Inter-Company Training: Our inter-company training programs are facilitated by specialists who are experts in their respective fields. Whether conducted in person or remotely, these training sessions are designed to foster skill acquisition and development. We continuously monitor industry trends and engage with stakeholders to identify emerging challenges, ensuring our training remains relevant and up to date. Additionally, we regularly conduct surveys to assess training needs and tailor our programs accordingly.

Internal Training: To optimize the effectiveness of the training modules implemented within your company, we analyze your needs and skills to provide tailor-made solutions. Based on this assessment, we provide you with the best learning programs, whether in-person or remote. Whatever your goals in terms of process improvement or enhancing employee skills, Diot-Siaci is here to support and guide you in creating fully customized training programs that align with your objectives.

Accompagner les talents au sein de votre entreprise et former les équipes dans le contexte actuel de pénurie et guerre des talents, rapport au travail mouvementé, est plus que jamais un enjeu stratégique. Conscients de cela, nous avons le plaisir de vous proposer notre nouveau catalogue de formations qui vous permettra de tirer le meilleur parti de votre investissement en formation et nourrir les leviers de la performance de demain.

Thierry Vachier

Directeur Général en charge de la Protection Sociale et Conseil, France et international

Nos formations, qui répondent aux enjeux de transformation des organisations, sont mises à l’honneur avec un éclairage particulier sur la formation continue, véritable clé de voûte de l’évolution professionnelle et de la montée en compétence des équipes. Cet outil indispensable pour les décideurs et les managers opérationnels vous apporte une vision globale des programmes de formations professionnelles qui leur sont dédiées dans votre secteur en matière d’expertises RH en France comme à l’international.

Bertrand Martinot

Directeur du Conseil en Formation et Développement des compétences

Facilities for People With Disabilities

Courses can be conducted directly on our offices (Paris, 17th arrondissement). Our teams at Diot-Siaci are committed to accommodating learners in a pleasant and well-equipped environment.

To make it easier for people with disabilities to access our training courses, Diot-Siaci strives to make our premises and tools more accessible to every disability situation. Our disability representative will be in charge of supporting anyone in need of appropriate resources by setting up a plan in collaboration with our partners and our teaching team.