Diot Siaci

Legal notices

Service provider

Website editor:

SIACI SAINT honore – DIOT SIACI Group – Insurance and Reinsurance Brokerage Company. Registered office: Season -39, rue Mstislav Rostropovitch -75815 Paris cedex 17 – France – Tel. : +33 (0) 1 4420 9999 – Fax: +33 (0) 1 4420 9500. SAS – Capital: €120555961.60 – RCS Paris 572,059,939 RCS Paris – APE 6622 Z – VAT no.: FR 54,572,059,939. ORIAS no.: 07,000,771 (orias.fr) – Under the supervision of/Regulated by ACPR -4 place de Budapest – CS 92459 – 75436 Paris Cedex 09 – France. Complaints/Complaint: SIACI SAINT honore – Service complaints -23, allées de l’Europe -92587 Clichy cedex – France.

Publication Director:

Thierry VACHIER, Ceo Social Protection and Conseil France et International, Diot Siaci


Diot Siaci Technologies
39, rue Mstislav Rostropovitch
75017 Paris

Copyright – copyright

© entreprise.diot siaci.com 2024. All elements of all kinds (fixed images, animated images, databases, brands, illustrations, logos, designs, models, layout, downloadable documents ) contained in this website are protected as a work of mind by French and international copyright and intellectual property legislation. These items remain the exclusive property of entreprise.diot-siaci.com, unless otherwise specified. As such, without prior written authorisation, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, partial or complete modification of any component of the site, by any means whatsoever, is prohibited under penalty of prosecution. The trademarks and logos reproduced on our website are registered. Any reproduction, republishing or partial or total redistribution of trademarks or logos, by any means whatsoever, without prior written authorisation, is prohibited within the meaning of article L.713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Applicable law

This site is governed by French law. Jurisdiction is given to the French courts for any dispute settlement.


The information contained in this website has no contractual value and may be modified at any time by Diot Siaci. © entreprise.diot siaci.com does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this site; under no circumstances may Diot Siaci be held liable for the use of the information disseminated on this site or for the absence of specific information.


Information notice on cookies

DIOT and SIACI SAINT honour, provide you with this information sheet in order to provide you with transparent information on how we, or our partners, use cookies on our site. This notice will also give you all the information you need to manage your consent to cookies stored on your devices. This notice is subject to change in order to adapt to legal and regulatory updates in particular, and we invite you to read it regularly.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small files stored and stored on your devices (your computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) to enable us to collect information about your browsing on our site.

What type of cookie are we using and why?

Here are the different types of cookies that we use on our site and that serve the following purposes:

  • Functional cookies : these cookies allow you to browse our website and use its various features. They include:
  • Session identification cookies
  • The cookies necessary to guarantee the IT security of our site to prevent, for example, fraudulent access to your session.

These cookies do not require your consent.

  • these cookies allow you to have personalised browsing on our website while keeping your language, countries and other preferences in mind.

These cookies are subject to your prior consent.

  • Audience measurement cookies : these cookies allow us to analyse your browsing and behaviour on our website in order to detect any problems and improve our content. For example, analyse the pages you click, your login time, the pages you visit when you leave our site…

These cookies do not require your consent except in certain cases provided for by law (see CNIL website https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-traceurs-que-dit-la-loi).  However, you can oppose it at any time.

  • Advertising Cookies : these cookies allow us to offer you relevant and customised advertising content based on your browsing in the form of banners. Our website also includes third party cookies that will have access to your browsing data for advertising purposes.

These cookies are subject to your prior consent.

  • Social media cookies: we offer you content sharing buttons via social networks (Linkedin). Publishers of this social network may directly place cookies on your device to identify your browsing on our site, even if you do not click on these buttons.

These cookies are subject to your prior consent.

Who files cookies on your devices?

The aforementioned cookies may be filed by us or by third party partners, if you have consented, however. The aforementioned third parties may therefore have direct access to your browsing data. Below we offer a summary table of cookies stored on your devices with the identification of the relevant third party partners. We invite you to read their cookie policy directly on their website.

How long is your consent valid?

The duration of your consent depends on the cookie concerned but may not in any case exceed a maximum of 6 months.

What are your rights?

An informative banner was presented to you during your visit to our site.
manage your consent at any time by clicking here
We remind you that if you have any questions, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@s2hgroup.com.


Construction of the site

Marketing Diot Siaci
Agence socialywww.socialy.fr