Our solutions

Transitioning to Retirement

Provide clarity and support for older employees to help them finish their careers

Manage Your Age Pyramid to Achieve Your Goals

Diot-Siaci helps companies design and implement end-of-career arrangements for their senior workforce. The goal is to anticipate and secure transitions while ensuring continuity in tasks and expertise.

In close collaboration with your HR department, we ensure that the selected end-of-career arrangements align with your strategic objectives: phased retirement, senior part-time, buying additional retirement credits, end-of-career leave, etc.

  • Mapping

    Provide visibility into future retirement departure flows and identify critical or high-demand positions to ensure the transfer of key competencies

  • Support

    Promote workplace dialogue on retirement through strategic thinking and support in implementing end-of-career measures

  • Individual Review

    Personalized support to determine eligibility, simulate pension amounts, and empower employees to make informed decisions

  • Active Participation

    Enable various stakeholders to actively participate in the transition to retirement and ensure that the implemented measures are a success

Full Support at Every Stage of the Project

Diot-Siaci’s mission is to help you choose the measures to offer your employees until the last beneficiary retires.

Regardless of the career or professional status, our experts help employees understand their rights and effectively prepare for this life change.

Combining retirement assessment with employment transition measures will promote employee engagement in these programs. The complementarity of these initiatives ensures comprehensive support for employees until their departure.