Our solutions

Retirement Overview

Provide clarity on retirement plans as employees approach the end of their careers

Involving Employees in Their Retirement Plans

Diot-Siaci’s experts offer and carry out Individual Retirement Reviews for your employees to provide them with information about their pensions.

This personalized review serves to inform employees about their retirement circumstances, allowing them to gain clarity on their future retirement benefits based on specific timelines and scenarios tailored to their profiles.


  • Data collection

    Securely gather any information necessary for a complete review

  • Career analysis

    Detect any anomalies or shortcomings in career reviews to raise employee awareness to these issues

  • Retirement report

    Provided to employees with the results of the review along with personalized explanations that will allow them to understand their retirement situation

  • Individual interview

    Support for your employees after they receive their personal report, explanations of results, and additional information provided

Personal Retirement Report: An Informational and Planning Tool

The French pension system is subject to frequent regulatory changes and is complex to understand for employees and employers alike. Recognizing this challenge, Diot-Siaci’s experts are dedicated to providing employees with clear visibility into their retirement through personal pension reports.

Personal pension reports provide an overview of an employee’s career, highlighting:

  • Anomalies in career records
  • Steps to take to make adjustments
  • The date when they can retire with their full benefits
  • The estimated amount of their retirement pensions from mandatory schemes
  • Where applicable, the impact on seniors of measures resulting from company agreements

Our experts thoroughly analyze the information provided by the employee and compile a comprehensive report that presents the results to them in a helpful manner.

Interviews are then conducted to go over the report and ensure that the beneficiary has fully understood their retirement benefits.

During the entire process, the employee receives support through our secure platform, which facilitates the exchange of documents in compliance with GDPR regulations. This platform provides assistance to the employee at every step of the process.