Your challenges

Protecting your human capital

Our time-tested expertise in employee protection

Protecting humans means ensuring future resilience

The competitiveness of every company hinges on its workforce. In an evolving landscape, accompanied by heightened employee expectations regarding well-being and quality of life, it is imperative to implement risk management and a strategy that recognizes and enhances exceptional human capital, both domestically and internationally. Diot-Siaci provides comprehensive support with a robust strategic outlook, positioning itself as a genuine partner for companies capable of comprehending their clients’ challenges in vital areas such as pensions, healthcare, retirement savings, global mobility, absenteeism, and workplace well-being.

Determine the optimal assurances and services for your employees, both in France and internationally

Garanties collaborateur santé et prévoyance

Employee protection holds a central position for businesses, enabling them to fulfill their mission for the collective good while safeguarding their human resources. Diot-Siaci provides guidance, management, and actuarial services for health and pension schemes, assisting you in selecting the most suitable system. We create customized solutions aligned with your company’s and employees’ needs, ensuring comprehensive coverage while managing costs effectively.

Protect the local employees of your subsidiaries anywhere in the world

Employee protection systems vary from country to country. Statutory schemes vary in coverage, and multinational corporations aiming to provide robust protection for their employees must consider these discrepancies. Leveraging the Diot-Siaci Global Partners network spanning 170 countries, Diot-Siaci offers customized assistance and a commitment to delivering services of the highest quality, worldwide, all in alignment with your values.

Optimize your employee savings and retirement savings plans

Dispositif epargne salariale entreprise

Collective, employee, and pension savings schemes come with numerous benefits for both employees and the company. These serve as types of deferred compensation that enable employees to be directly linked to the company’s achievements, thus enhancing its appeal as an employer. Diot-Siaci provides assistance in implementing retirement savings solutions, employee share ownership plans, and asset management programs. Furthermore, our training and awareness initiatives empower employees to understand and engage with these mechanisms effectively.