Our solutions

Total Compensation

Define and implement your compensation policy

We have embraced a pragmatic approach that is guided by our team of seasoned consultants who bring experience as former operational staff in Human Resources, specializing in Compensation & Benefits (C&B) and HR, in diverse international settings. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive support in your strategic projects and critical processes: compensation policy, variable compensation, executive compensation, classification, salary reviews, compulsory annual employee reviews, etc.

  • Compensation policy

    Build fair and competitive compensation policies within your organization

  • Variable compensation

    Design a variable system to reward performance

  • Executive compensation

    Design targeted and tailored compensation packages for your senior executives

  • Key projects

    Support your strategic projects and key processes: classification, salary revisions, compulsory annual employee reviews, gender equity, C&B policy convergence, etc.

Commitment and performance leverage

Our experts are at your disposal to audit, develop, and communicate your comprehensive compensation strategy. We assess responsibilities and measure performance to build fair and motivating policies. We also provide assistance with implementing key programs to optimize your variable compensation systems, as well as harmonize and converge your compensation practices.

Our experts work alongside you to:

  • Audit, craft, and communicate your total compensation strategy
  • Assess responsibilities and measure performance to build fair and motivating policies
  • Help implement key programs
  • Optimize your variable compensation systems
  • Harmonize and converge your compensation practices
  • Build executive compensation packages

Our C&B Training Programs

[ Site PSC ] Visuels focus - Guide formation 2023

Our solutions are tailored-made for your culture and take into account the DNA of your organization.

In addition, we offer dedicated training modules to help your employees develop the skills they need: compensation, employee benefits, international mobility, etc.

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