Our solutions

Global Benefits Management

Define and implement the governance framework for your international employee coverage

Building the GBM Governance Framework

Apart from inadequate coverage, an absence of clear visibility and coordination within your international insurance programs can result in unnecessary additional expenses. Constructing the GBM (Global Benefits Management) governance framework for health, provident, and retirement schemes for the local programs of your subsidiaries worldwide is our challenge. We provide assistance to companies operating internationally, employing local staff, and seeking to establish a global workforce protection strategy, manage and gain insights into local coverage, or simply enhance the financial efficiency of existing contracts.

  • Visibility

    Conduct a comprehensive assessment of all your entities and evaluate your current supplementary programs

  • Analysis

    Assess your supplementary programs available globally and benchmark them against local market norms

  • Financial Optimization

    Enhance the financial efficiency of your programs through tailored strategies (such as captives, pooling, or global underwriting programs)

  • Employee Approach

    Include your benefits in your organization’s CSR policy

Our Global Benefits Management Approach

Many multinational companies have not consistently identified the health and welfare coverage implemented in their subsidiaries. Consequently, an increasing number of these firms are transitioning to a Global Benefits Management approach. This entails establishing and implementing an international employee coverage strategy. Our Diot-Siaci specialists assist multinational companies in the process of identifying supplemental coverage for their local employees, thereby enabling them to achieve the following objectives:

  • Gain visibility on additional coverage in host countries,
  • Define a strategic approach to Benefits by establishing a governance framework (Global Benefits Management),

GBM Success Factors

GBM Global Benefits Management

To guarantee the successful implementation of a GBM, it’s essential to delineate the communication strategy with subsidiaries. This includes sharing the project timeline and objectives to enhance stakeholder engagement and investment in the initiative. Our Diot-Siaci experts are at your side to support you throughout your project. We routinely provide legislative updates and keep stakeholders informed of market developments to foster a comprehensive understanding and enable swift responsiveness in case system adjustments are needed.

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