All our solutions

Strategy & Social engineering

Identifying reorganisation options and defining employment strategies

Social transformation & human capital

In the face of economic change, our Diot-Siaci experts act as social scouts for employee representative bodies, trade unions, the administration and politicians. We study the best options for reorganising your company, enabling it to preserve its social capital in the interests of economic performance. We use the appropriate communication and management tools to avoid blockages and ensure that the social relations aspects are identified and integrated into the process to guarantee the success of your operation.

  • Social strategy

    Develop a global social strategy based on your priority issues, while ensuring that your human capital is taken into account

  • Social audit

    Carrying out social audits and pre-deal/post-deal social due diligence to identify risks and monitor any changes made

  • HR communications

    Define the social communication guidelines and media suited to your organisation and your employees, particularly in the event of a crisis

  • Negotiations

    Supporting mandatory negotiations, implementing the chosen project and reporting to institutional partners

Get support from our expert

As part of a workforce adjustment plan, the first concern must be to maintain the social balance, with a transformation that is understood and approved by all the decision-making parties, trade unions and management. To achieve this, effective, high-quality social dialogue is essential, as is appropriate communication. The transformation must make it possible to maintain the company's competitiveness - the economic safeguard of the company is the basis of the reorganisation - while preserving the social balance and the well-being of the employees.

Supporting your social transformations

Reorganisations, redeployments, restructurings and site closures, whether in advance or under time pressure, are no ordinary acts of management. Our Diot-Siaci experts can therefore provide you with a precise analysis of all the economic and social dimensions of your project, as well as targeting the best reorganisation options, which are essential to the success of transformation projects. To achieve this, we work alongside you on the following aspects:

  • – Organisational audit
  • – Advice to management and employee representative bodies
  • – Social communication and mobilisation of the hierarchy
  • – Remobilisation programme for remaining staff

For the best adaptation

Our experts will guide you in defining the best reorganisation options to ensure the success of your transformation project. They will advise you on the different options available, depending on the profile of your organisation and your constraints and objectives. You may choose one – or more – of the following options particularly, in France: Employment-Retirement Transition, Collective Redundancy Agreement (RCC), Autonomous Voluntary Departure Plan (PSE/PDVA), Management Plan for Jobs and Skills (GPEC for France), Employment Protection Plan (PSE/PDV) or Collective Performance Agreement (APC).