Our solutions

Training and Skills

Help your employees grow throughout their career

Training and Skills

At Diot-Siaci, our professional training consultants possess unparalleled expertise in crafting comprehensive professional development policies that are specifically tailored to an organization’s unique requirements. We understand the critical importance of aligning these policies with your overall strategy, as well as your Workplace and Vocational Training Management framework. Our approach involves providing recommendations that empower you in leveraging all available tools and resources. This includes a deep understanding of public funding for continuing professional development (Compte personnel de formation or CPF in France), enabling you to effectively align individual aspirations with organizational goals.

  • Professional Development Strategy

    Providing support as you craft a professional development policy in line with your overall strategy and career path management

  • Secure Career Paths

    Leverage public funding for continuing professional development (CPF in France) as a resource to secure individual aspirations

  • Professional Development Resources

    Our dedicated experts can help you optimize and craft professional development resources within your company

  • Local Roots

    Embed skills in local areas and employment pools with an eye toward social responsibility

Skills Development

From an HR perspective, the purpose of continuing professional development is fourfold: HR implications arising from technological advancements and market shifts, challenges associated with acquiring external expertise, the need to navigate legal and financial constraints, and meeting the evolving expectations of employees. To meet these demands, and amid disruptions caused by recent reforms, Diot-Siaci has designed targeted support for training and skills development.

To identify the needs of your company and its human capital.

  • We develop static job maps, delineating a list of professions and their activity and competency frameworks.
  • We develop dynamic job maps, identifying high-demand, emerging, and transforming occupations, assessing the impact of automation, and highlighting the bridges between roles with closely related skills.
  • We also strive to anchor a company’s skills and its employees in the local community and employment pool, with an eye toward social responsibility.

Skills & Recruitment

The support provided by our experts at Diot-Siaci entails the development of comprehensive professional development strategies tailored to the unique needs of your organization. In addition, we offer recommendations that take into account the specific business context and the prevailing economic landscape. We establish a strong connection between the skills within local communities and organizations in order to address recruitment challenges effectively. This involves initiatives such as the establishment of vocational training centers, forging partnerships with key social actors, and more.