Our solutions

Communication employee shareholding

Accompany your employee shareholding operations with a dedicated communication plan

Communication : A key factor in the success of your employee shareholding transactions

Employee share ownership is a system that allows employees of a company to become shareholders in the same way as other external investors. Employee shareholding can be implemented in different ways and via different investment vehicles.

Whether it is a first transaction or a reissue, we can not imagine the implementation of an employee shareholding plan without the communication strategy that accompanies it.

Each year, Diot Siaci assists large companies in designing their dedicated communication plan and in implementing all the materials, both in France and abroad.

An educational approach…

A successful employee shareholding communication plan must:

1/Promoting the shareholding plan through educational and attractive communication

2/Suspend the desire to subscribe

3/Involving Employees in the Group’s Strategy

Pedagogy is at the heart of the communication strategy. Acculating employees to the principles of shareholding is essential if they are to subscribe to the plan, in confidence .
a fair and balanced combination of the editorial approach and the choice of media or communication channels can easily meet this goal.

… and multi channel

What are the main messages? What channels of dissemination? What communication schedule for your employee share ownership plan?

Depending on the type of company, its communication culture and the scope of the operation (France, international), it is necessary to choose the right communication media to reach all eligible people and allow a good diffusion of messages… at the right time.

Comprehensive support for your implementation of employee share ownership plans

  • Strategic advisory & project management

    Develop the communication plan according to the defined scope and manage the communication plan with responsiveness and compliance with deadlines

  • Identity graphic

    Create the visual identity of the campaign to event the operation

  • Editorial board

    Joint drafting with business experts to both bring a market approach to content and guarantee the accuracy and relevance of information

  • Production of materials

    Create and roll out all the tools, with the support of our graphic team

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