Our solutions

Workplace Well-Being Barometer

Creating an internal culture of active listening

Adapting to Organizational Changes

Diot-Siaci’s teams believe that workplace well-being fosters economic performance. QWL is a challenge for companies making organizational changes. To help you convince employees to embrace and support change, we offer comprehensive solutions that can be tailored to your company. We work closely with our clients to develop personalized solutions that fit their corporate culture and safeguard human capital.

  • Stakeholder engagement

    Involve management, executives, and employee representatives in the process

  • Creating an action plan together

    Create an operational action plan that aligns with existing initiatives in your organization

  • Changing perceptions

    Think of the barometer as a listening device that allows you to monitor changing perceptions over time

  • Communication and support

    Broadcast your intention to listen to employees; encourage employees to support and get involved in the process

Take the pulse within your organization

Our teams help you measure your company’s well-being and create a supportive and harmonious work environment where employees can grow. Collecting employee perceptions on the workplace environment can help you understand their expectations and needs. Surveys will unlock comprehensive organizational insights with consolidated key indicators and profile-specific results (management, business line, age, seniority, etc.) for in-depth perception analysis. Granular results are obtained in strict compliance with a policy of anonymity and confidentiality. The combination of quantitative (survey) and qualitative (focus group, individual interviews) investigations gives you the information you need to tune into the current climate of your organization and pinpoint actions to be implemented for better quality of life at work. To give you this insight, we need to understand your priorities and performance objectives.

Main stages of implementation

Our system of boosting workplace well-being involves multiple phases.

  • Defining a method to fit your organization, expectations, and objectives
  • Understanding everyone’s role (HR, managers, QWL officer, occupational health, employee representative, etc.)
  • Designing and delivering a survey to employees (online, paper)
  • Data processing, creating a comprehensive report (where applicable, in-depth and targeted reports)
  • Pinpointing strengths, warning areas, and priorities for improvement
  • Feedback and sharing of results with different bodies
  • Support during the implementation and monitoring phases of the action plan

Quantitative data: survey (online or paper)

Qualitative data:  focus groups and individual interviews

Quality of life at work should be mapped using relevant feedback and data. We rely on targeted tools to get people with divergent interests and perceptions to work together in structured conversations that fit with your corporate culture

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