Our solutions

Consulting Services on Employee Savings and Retirement


Set up supplementary pension or employee savings plans

Make your organization more attractive while helping employees save

Employee Savings and Retirement Accounts: Drivers of Economic Performance and Workplace Well-Being for Your Company

Employee savings and company retirement schemes are now recognized as significant drivers for employee engagement and retention. Additionally, they serve as appealing benefits to attract new talent to organizations.

The benefits of such schemes are twofold: Directly and financially involve employees in the results and performance of your company while helping them to build savings and achieve their goals.

Diot-Siaci experts support you as you implement the right solutions for your organization: company savings plans, company retirement savings plans (collective, mandatory, individual), executive retirement plans, etc.

  • Conception and Design

    Audit your employee savings and retirement plans, financial management, benefits and expenses, define and design targeted plans

  • Building Plans

    Advice on selecting plans that fit your needs, analysis and recommendations, managing calls for tender to select plan providers, assistance throughout the implementation process

  • Communication

    Improve the savings experience by clarifying all available employee plans and simplifying how it works

  • Monitoring and Oversight

    Monitor your systems, audit their competitiveness with market trends and practices, bring your systems into line with regulatory changes

We help organizations set up their employee savings plans

With our recognized expertise and comprehensive market knowledge, we at Diot-Siaci are well-equipped to assist you in developing high-performance savings solutions within your company. Our tailored support and assistance span across all stages of your project, ensuring that you receive the necessary guidance and expertise throughout the process.

  • Auditing your employee savings and pension plans, financial management, benefits and expenses.
  • A comparison of your plans, particularly with respect to market practices and trends, benchmarks, and studies
  • Defining your needs, offering recommendations at every stage, and proposing a detailed schedule for the lifecycle of the project
  • Assistance with drafting specifications and conducting calls for tender to help you select service providers that best fit your needs
  • Communicating savings plans in a discussion format with employees and partners
  • Support as you implement employee savings plans, access to online tools, and marketing
  • Oversight of your systems and the financial performance of your investment vehicles
  • Monitoring of regulatory changes and plan compliance

These situations are true strategic challenges that require actuarial, financial, and comprehensive support and expertise.


Advice on the financial management of employee savings and retirement savings plans

Our team is committed to offering you the most effective solutions, including:

  • Auditing financial management services and pricing schemes
  • Investment guidelines based on market conditions and applicable regulations
  • Modelling economies of scale for financial management costs
  • Aligning financial services with your CSR values and commitments
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