Our solutions

Health & Personal Protection Actuarial

Offering innovative insurance solutions: Actuarial and technical expertise

Health and Personal Protection Actuarial Advisory

Diot-Siaci teams offer companies actuarial expertise to ensure the security of their health and personal risk insurance programs. This is achieved through a quantitative and objective approach, placing actuarial expertise at the core of risk management and monitoring the provisioning of these programs. At Diot-Siaci, we have a dedicated division of technical experts, including qualified actuaries and specialized actuarial technicians. They play a crucial role in supporting the engineering process and applying a quantitative perspective to every mission delivered to our clients.


  • Benchmarks

    Benchmark of your programs with comparable companies (guarantees, costs, etc.)

  • Monitoring Sick and Disability Leave

    Our experts monitor the actuarial reserves for sick and disability leave within your organizatio

  • Optimized Pricing

    Comprehensive evaluation of your health and personal risk coverage to deliver customized and optimized technical pricing solutions tailored to your organization

  • Statistical Monitoring

    Our experts prepare statistical reports and review financial statements to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Notre mission est d’accompagner les petites et grandes entreprises à construire, valoriser et animer leur politique de protection sociale, tout en leur permettant de piloter et maîtriser leurs risques à long terme. La complexité de l’environnement technique et juridique des programmes d’assurance peut par ailleurs déséquilibrer le rapport de force entre entreprises et organismes d’assurance. Notre rôle de conseil permet aux entreprises de bénéficier d’un accompagnement stratégique tout au long de la vie du contrat et d’assurer le dialogue entre les parties prenantes. L’expertise et l’engagement de nos équipes, la renommée et la force de négociation de notre Groupe, sont autant d’atouts que nous mettons au service des intérêts de nos clients et de leurs collaborateurs.

Delphine ROBIN

Directrice Pôle Commercial Prévoyance Santé

Sharing our expertise to design, secure, and optimize your plans

Actuarial expertise plays a vital role in the advisory process when establishing compensation and benefits systems. It is also central to risk management and the monitoring of provisioning for health and wellness programs. Integrated into the overall employee engineering approach, consulting actuaries provide valuable insights through data analysis, forecasting, and illustrating the quantitative impacts of proposed measures.


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