
Be at the service of your performance

DIOT SIACI is your company’s preferred partner. Our expertise covers all aspects and issues related to employee well being, which are the main source of your performance. We advise you in implementing the best social and HR strategies adapted to your context and needs. We offer you innovative and customised solutions to manage your risks. Active around the world thanks to the SIACI GLOBAL PARTNERS network present in 170 countries, we are committed to offering you tailor made advice and services, in line with your values.

  • Etude Pooling & Captives Health and Personal Protection Advisory

    As a partner of your economic and social performance, DIOT SIACI helps you set up the best health and welfare systems. We develop tailor made solutions for you to optimise and harmonise your coverage systems: Extended third party pay, care and prevention network,... We meet your various objectives: Cost and risk control, enhancement of the HR function, attractiveness and retention of talent. We design the targeted architectures that will guide your choices for the evolution of your health and personal risk programs.

  • Création graphique Health & Personal Protection Actuarial

    We provide companies with our actuarial expertise to secure your health and personal risk insurance programmes through a quantitative and objective approach. Actuarial expertise is at the heart of the risk management approach and the monitoring of provisioning for these programs. This is why, at DIOT SIACI, we have a division of technical experts composed of graduate actuaries or dedicated actuarial technicians to support the engineering process and deploy a quantitative look at each of the missions delivered to our customers.

  • Health & Personal Protection

    Our teams are there to simplify and digitise the health and personal risk approach for your Human Resources teams and employees. We provide you with a high performance service platform that manages all risks: Incapacity for work, disability and death. VIVINTER, a DIOT SIACI Group brand, is responsible for the additional reimbursement of health and welfare expenses on behalf of medium and large companies offering additional coverage to their employees.

  • Occupational health prevention

    Acting on the health and well being of its employees is an important lever for a company's economic and social performance. It is both a factor in optimising risk management and a factor in economic control (social protection costs, direct and indirect costs related to absenteeism). It has also become a necessity for the company because of the regulatory obligations that weigh on it today. DIOT SIACI helps you define and implement prevention plans that will contribute to the well being of your employees while limiting risk factors.

  • Engineering & Consulting Savings Pensions

    Faced with the deterioration of mandatory pension plans and regulatory changes (Pact Law, reforms, etc.), many companies consider it their responsibility to support their employees in preparing for their retirement. This responsibility can be reflected not only in the company's financial involvement, but also in an educational and awareness raising approach to help employees take part in their retirement. The DIOT SIACI experts support you in the deployment of appropriate solutions: Company Retirement Savings Plan (collective, mandatory, single), executive retirement, etc.

  • Asset Management Advisory

    ‘Our experts audit, define, negotiate and set up your pension and employee savings schemes. We also advise you in the management of your assets, supporting you in the management of funds dedicated to financial management, the audit of financial management options and recommendations for evolution, the coordination of financial reporting of the media, or the coordination of supervisory boards and monitoring committees.
    in addition, with EPARINTER, we develop for member companies an optimal financial management offer with the provision of several dedicated funds.’

  • Employee shareholding

    Employee share ownership is now a vehicle for employee recognition and loyalty, thus meeting a strategic priority on the part of employers. Our experts assist you in its implementation and deployment. They are at your disposal to assist you in launching a shareholding transaction reserved for employees of your group, promoting the strategic reasons for your offer, or redefining its scope in France and abroad. We also ensure good coordination between external service providers and internal teams.

  • Pension balance sheet

    In order to obtain information on pension levels, DIOT SIACI experts offer and carry out Individual Pension Balances ‘BIS’ for your employees. This document constitutes a personalised study with the aim of informing each employee concretely about their retirement conditions, in particular by communicating the full retirement date including a redemption of quarters if necessary, the simulation of the amount of retirement pensions, the possible impact of the reduction/increase of ARRCO/AGIRC funds, reversion simulations in the event of death...

  • Support for procedures & liquidation Retirement

    Mandater DIOT SIACI is to allow your employees to be assisted in the liquidation of their pension rights. Unfailing support to provide them with accurate and reliable information on their rights. Choosing us means choosing serenity and efficiency. We reconstitute the careers of your employees, regardless of their career path. We conduct pension balance sheets to inform them about their retirement conditions. We also create the administrative records of your future retirees and support them in the liquidation of their pension rights.

  • Administrative management of annuities

    The benefits offered by supplementary and pre retirement schemes are often of a substantial amount. These programmes attest to the company's commitment to supporting its former employees in retirement or early retirement. DIOT SIACI has historically positioned itself in this management delegation segment and proposes: A valuation of corporate benefits, support for liquidation, the establishment of payment and declaration channels to third party organizations, a hotline, advice and precise monitoring of operations.

  • Actuarial/Employee Benefits

    Actuarial competence is an essential component of our overall offering of retirement savings in the company. It is at the heart of monitoring employee liabilities, both in terms of annual assessments and provisioning, as well as impact and optimisation studies. Consulting Actuarial provides the strength of the figures and the prospective and makes it possible to measure the impact of external events on pension plans. DIOT SIACI has historically had a division of technical experts dedicated to supporting pension and investment projects.

  • Total remuneration

    Our DIOT SIACI experts are at your disposal to audit, develop and communicate your global compensation strategy. We assess responsibilities and measure their performance to build fair and motivating policies. We also support you in the implementation of key programmes to optimise your variable remuneration systems, harmonise and converge your remuneration practices. Finally, our team is at your side according to your needs to ensure the C & B transition and support the skills development of your teams.

  • Evaluation of posts

    Our DIOT SIACI consultants are recognised to optimise and enhance your international mobility practices. They work with you to help you transform your expatriation policy into a ‘local +’ strategy. They define with you an approach for locating packages. Our experts are at your disposal to build the international C & B policies and build the international mobility packages needed to develop your performance and organisation.

  • International Mobility

    Our DIOT SIACI consultants are recognised to optimise and enhance your international mobility practices.

    They work with you to help you transform your expatriation policy into a ‘local +’ strategy.

    They define with you an approach for locating packages. Our experts are at your disposal to build the international C & B policies and build the international mobility packages needed to develop your performance and organisation.

  • Transition C & B

    We offer a tailored approach that is adaptable to your needs. Our consultants work directly within your Human Resources departments, remotely or in support. You benefit from the service of our experts, former C & B managers of multinationals whose field experience is a real advantage in understanding HR and business issues and their implementation into C & B priorities. We provide you with our expertise in international human resources management that guarantees you advice on the most innovative market approaches as well as our recognised C & B know how (Cercle Magellan label).

  • Culture & management

    Faced with the challenges of transformation and employee engagement that your organisation may encounter, we address the issues through the corporate culture in order to identify what is sustainable and what needs to evolve. Indeed, your corporate culture can act as a brake on the success of your projects internally. We help you to recognise your culture and values in order to give meaning, to bring your employees together around a common project, the success of your company, and to shed light on what constitutes the DNA of your company.

  • Talent development

    Faced with the acceleration of organisational and business changes, the challenges of attracting and retaining ever stronger talent, as well as the shortage of certain skills, employee development is a major challenge for each company.

    Our DIOT SIACI experts work with you to help you express the potential of everyone throughout their lives and reconcile employability and the needs of the company.

  • Training strategy

    Professional training meets four priorities in terms of human resources: Dealing with the HR consequences of technological and market changes, meeting the difficulties of finding skills externally, mastering legal and financial constraints, and finally meeting the new expectations of employees. This is why DIOT SIACI has designed specific and pedagogical support, in a context upset by recent reforms, around training and skills development.

  • Social engineering

    Faced with changes in the economy, our DIOT SIACI experts act as social scouts in employee representative bodies, trade unions, administration and policies. We are looking at the best options to reorganise your business and thus enable it to preserve its share capital at the service of economic performance. We use the appropriate communication and management tools to avoid bottlenecks and ensure that employee relations aspects are identified and integrated into the process to ensure the success of your operation.

  • Outplacement & mobility

    DIOT SIACI has built up outplacement expertise to meet the growing demand of companies to facilitate the professional mobility of their employees. We support you in defining with you the internal and external mobility options for your employees: Internal mobility areas, external mobility spaces, professional retraining, etc .
    in addition, our consultants support former employees to return to work or to create/take over a company by providing listening, advice, logistical support and technical expertise.

  • Support Age measures

    The ageing of the population creates strong imbalances in the age pyramid of some companies. To encourage the hiring of young people, while allowing employees to leave at the end of their career with a full rate pension, personalised adjustment measures may be considered without the need for voluntary redundancy or job protection plans. Our experts support you in the assessment and definition of your needs in terms of the transition to employment and retirement and regain organisational visibility in the medium term.

  • Institutional relations

    Because we are evolving in an era of massive information, we believe in healthier and more impactful communication. Our goal is to maximise internal and external understanding of your projects. This is why our DIOT SIACI consultants are putting an emphasis on building relationships of trust between the different stakeholders in your HR projects. We are committed to securing the support and commitment of all relevant stakeholders so that they can understand your challenges and promote them within your organization.

  • Revitalisation & reindustrialisation

    Strengthening the dynamism of a territory, revitalising an employment pool and promoting business development, in order to meet the challenges of employment, these are the objectives of our DIOT SIACI teams. Our consultants engage with companies and local authorities to be a force for anticipation and proposal. It supports you at every stage of your projects, from the definition of strategies adapted to the location of companies, to the phases of diagnostics and impact studies.

  • Evolution of skills

    Training and skills development are at the heart of your HR concerns. Technological and market changes, difficulties in finding skills externally, controlling legal and financial constraints and meeting new employee expectations have become strategic challenges for your organization. In a context marked by recent vocational training reforms, our DIOT SIACI experts support you in developing a training and skills development strategy tailored to your needs and organisation.

  • Convergence of C & B policies

    The convergence of C & B policies is a key issue for companies wishing to make their Human Resources strategies consistent. We offer you the service of our DIOT SIACI expert consultants. Former Compensation & Benefits managers of multinationals, with a foothold in France or abroad, their field experience is a real advantage in the fine understanding of HR and business issues and their implementation into C & B priorities. They support you in your projects in a relationship of collaboration and trust.

  • HR communication

    Our consultants support you in setting up communication strategies to explain your company's HR strategy both internally and externally. We are at your side to communicate on both the remuneration policy, the company's social benefits, the pension and employee savings schemes, the agreements and negotiations, the possibilities of mobility in France and abroad, the employer proposal, the values and the raison d'être of the company, the evolution of the articles of association, etc.

  • C & B Communication

    The Individual Social Assessment (BSI) is an effective and high impact HR marketing support to enhance your overall compensation policy. A leader in the BSI market, we provide you with our expertise to assist you in creating this individual communication medium, presenting the compensation and benefits that the employee received during the year. We also design attractive materials to present the 6 year training balance sheet or the new balance sheet dedicated to employees on international mobility. All these elements allow you to value your social policy.

  • Absenteeism study

    We identify and analyse the causes of your employees' absence (organization, working time, management, etc.) through benchmarks and studies based in particular on Artificial Intelligence. Based on a photograph of absenteeism profiles and pathways, we propose areas for improvement. We support you in defining and implementing short term and long term operational action plans. This data driven approach allows us to exchange together on an objective basis verified and validated data.

  • Audit of psychosocial risks

    Companies operate in an increasingly complex environment that requires new organisational practices. In the face of almost permanent change management challenges, companies are committed to preserving the commitment of employees at all hierarchical levels. This can be strengthened through the development of autonomy, accountability and participatory practices. DIOT SIACI supports you in the implementation of initiatives promoting the commitment of your employees.

  • MyPrevention app

    Simple and intuitive, accessible at any time, the MyPrevention app, developed by DIOT SIACI, includes many features such as the My Personal Adviser service. It also provides employees with psychological support as well as numerous news articles to facilitate the work life balance of your employees.

  • International Employee Benefits

    DIOT SIACI provides you with consultants dedicated to the study and negotiation of international social protection schemes for your employees. Our specialist team is familiar with insurance regulations, regimes and practises in many countries and relies on a network of local specialists. Based in Paris, it is the unique gateway for your international social protection programs. Our SIACI GLOBAL PARTNERS network, attentive to your needs and having your satisfaction at heart, manages 300 international programmes from Paris and is represented in 170 countries.

  • International Pension Plan

    International employee pension schemes pose multiple challenges for the company. It must optimise its costs and offer its employees visibility in the face of the uncertainty weighing on the future of pension systems in certain countries. In order to best anticipate the end of your international employees' careers, it is essential to design suitable HR systems and tools that will meet their expectations. Our DIOT SIACI consultants provide you with expert advice and a global vision on the devices that can be deployed for all your employees wherever they are.

  • Financial management

    With the emergence of new risks and the ramp up of corporate governance, risk management must be controlled. We support companies to set up insurance/reinsurance captives in different domiciliations. Our experts work with you to optimise the financial management of life and health insurance coverage internationally. We advise you on the choice of insurance network based on defined parameters (economic, geographical, etc.). We are also negotiating reinsurance formulas and arrangements, and implementing convergence strategies.

  • Global Benefits Management

    Beyond the inadequacy of your coverage, the lack of visibility and coordination of your international insurance programs can lead to unnecessary additional costs. Building the GBM governance framework for health, provident and retirement plans for local programmes of your subsidiaries around the world is our challenge. We support companies operating internationally, which employ local employees and want to implement a comprehensive social protection strategy, manage and learn about local coverage, or simply optimise the contracts underwritten financially.

  • Training

    The support of your talents and the commitment of your internal resources are essential to your economic performance, especially in the current context, accelerating ongoing changes. To support you in your challenges, we offer a wide range of training and modules on HR topics (C & B function, compensation, employee benefits, organisational evolution, talent and international mobility) and corporate risk management (Property & Casualty and transportation). These courses have a local orientation (France) but also an international orientation. Our experts are at your disposal to discuss training modules that can suit your needs.

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